Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One Eye Open

I hear the gulls crying, fighting over some piece of food they picked off of the warm cement. The sun is hot on my face. With one eye creaked open I try to focus. Guessing one's location after a night of revelry is becoming a frequent thing with me. Right now I haven't a clue.

"Jesus... who the hell are you?"

It's Lou's voice, not startled... not polite either. I lift my head and turn to see that I am on a patio. This has to be one of the bungalos in front of Dominican's. The beach yacht harbor is visibile through the trees.

Inside there is a woman in business garb, probably another lawyer, directing some of the hotel staff to pack our meager belongings. In bed with Lou are two of the young college sweeties we had on our laps. They don't stir at the interruption. I see Lou shake one of them, the one with the tattoo on her yabo. She turns and draws the sheet up on her tanned body. Lou palms her ass for a moment, then gives it a little slap.
"Now that was fun... eh?"

I smile back at him, still waiting for damage reports to come in from my head, back, or anything else that might have gotten a work out last night in the grips of the Muerte.
"Fun for you. What happened to me? Did I pass out in this chair?"

Lou swings both legs out of the bed and plants them on the floor in all of his splendor. The lady lawyer doesn't seem to mind, neither do the hotel staff, just me I guess.
"Put some fucking pants on." I look at the lawyer lady, "Excuse my French."

She has a Palm Pilot in her hand and is furiously pushing buttons on the front with the little poker.
"Gentlemen, we are already off of today's schedule. I am to have you on board in the next twenty minutes and that does not give us much time to make it to the airport."

Lou rests his face in his hands for a moment. "Lady, I don't do schedules. Or lawyers. I realize that might be a disappointment to you." He laughs to himself at his attempt at humor this early in the morning. Or is it early afternoon?

"What time is it?" I ask, standing... waiting for a pounding headache that never materializes.
"It is six fifty-seven in the morning, gentlemen. Where might I find", she hits another couple of buttons, "Jerry?"

By the time she locates Jerry and we all pile into a cab we are no longer working on any schedule. As we pull through the gates at the airport I see Abigail. She is on the tarmack, hoses and wash equipment already pulled out for a good washdown some time this morning before the sun gets too hot on her skin. There are no workers milling about. They are usually eating breakfast this time of morning.

Lady Lawyer as already called the helo pilot and it is spinning... waiting for us. We step out of the cab and onto the chopper. When the door closes he takes off and we leave Puerto Barrios below us as we head out over the blue waters of el Carib.

"Where did you guys go last night?" Jerry asks rubbing his neck. When his hand comes down I see it.
"Is that a hickey?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
Lou perks up and leans over to see it as well.
"It is a hickey, Jer. What the fuck... are we still in High School? Did she want to go "steady" with you too?"
"Go fuck yourself."
"To late. Tits McGee fucked the living hell out of me last night."
"Everybody got laid but me?" I say sheepishly.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Jake. That dandy you had on your lap last night? You did everything but the Heimlich with her last night right next to me and what's her name."
"How romantic." Jerry says, shaking his head.

Then, all of a sudden we remember Lady Lawyer and the three of us straighten up and shut up.
"Excuse us, Ma'am. We are just a bunch of animals." Lou tries to sound apologetic.

"Boys, let me introduce myself. I am Angelica, Mrs. Antonelli's personal assistant. I was sent by Madam to gather you and make sure you were on board before we raise anchor."

Oh shit. The three of us dummy up like department store mannequins. Talking like that in front of this woman when we thought she was another lawyer was one thing, but this is different. She seems much sweeter now. I feel like I mooned a bus full of nuns or something.
"Hey, I'm sorry for the language, Miss. We usually have better manners."

She smiles. I don't think any of us had really looked at her face. She is absolutely beautiful.
"That's okay, boys. Just watch it in front of Mrs. Antonelli. She won't tolerate any distasteful conversation."

Silence. The awkwardness of the last minute or two keeps us from saying anything else. Lou looks a little steamed. He turns and watches the sapphire blue water pass beneath us.
"Hey... where is Chris?" Jerry looks at Angelica.
"He had the pilot take him down to down to the hospital for your friend," once again she consults the PDA, "Ollie?"

The CARIBBEAR is at anchor outside the harbor. We touch down on the foredeck and are ushered off the helo pad by white uniformed crewmen. The pursor introduces himself and takes the one duffle we have between the three of us and guides us in through the side entry into the forward salon.

"Gentleman, my name is Pierre Duschon, I am Madam Antonelli's pursor." He holds up the duffle, "Is this all of your baggage?"
"Yeah, Perry, that's all. We never got a chance to pack."
"Pierre, sir." He smiles. "Yes... well, no matter. Follow me to your staterooms."

I am beginning to become accustom to these mega-yachts and the finer things. This one is right in step with KOZANOSTRA as far as decor and the general look of things. I have to keep in mind that it was probably designed specifically for them and that is why it is so familiar.

We each have our own stateroom with queen bed and spacious bathroom facilities. Pierre tells us that there will be a ten o'clock brunch served and a briefing to follow. That until then we may rest or freshen up. There is clothing in the closets and drawers that has been provided.

"Where is the bar?" Lou asks. He can't be serious.
"I would suggest waiting for any further revelry, sir. Madam is not fond of... "
"HEY, you can tell MADAM that I ain't here to please her, okay?"

"Come on, Lou, relax."
"Nancy... you want to take orders from this guy and play dress up for Antonelli's mommy, then YOU do it. We saved the kids ass twice now. She should be kissing ours, not making demands."

I put a hand on Pierre's shoulder, "He's a little crabby in the morning. We'll be there."
"Don't tell him that shit."
Pierre smiles awkwardly and makes his exit.

"Come on, Lou, we can give her a little of our time before we start for the day. After all, we are here enjoying her hospitality."
"I thought it was Chris' hospitality we were enjoying. He is the captain of this ship."
"Well, I am sure when his mommy is on board she is like... an admiral."
"Oh... fuck it."

I feel revived after a hot shower. I wear the clothes Jerry bought for me. Only had them on last night and they are no worse for wear. The clothing in the hanging locker looks like it would be better suited for a father from Iowa on a cruise in the Virgin Islands.

After a long reaching stretch I lay down on the bed and look at the ceiling for a moment. That is the last thing I remember before I am awaken by a knock on the door.
It is Chris.
"Jake... can I come in?"

I swing up off the bed and open the cabin door. Chris is standing there with two drinks in his hands. A "Soother" he calls it. Another of Agaki's recipes. He hands me the Jade green potion and tells me to drink it down. At this point I have no apprehension. Delicious... kind of a citrus/melon flavor with a bit of a fizz.

He knocks on Lou's door and when there is no answer after the third request, he opens the door. He turns to me as I stand in my doorway with the empty drink glass in my hand.
"Where's Lou?"
"Dunno. Where is the bar?"
"Oh Christ. This would have been enough for him until lunch."
"That fruit punch I just drank?"
"Herbs and extracts... Agaki created this one for my dad when my mother would come and visit. It mellows the hell out of you and you just sit and listen."

Just after he says this I feel like someone dipped me in a warm pool of water. A smile spreads over me like butter on a muffin and I draw the appropriate response from Chris.
"See... told ya."

Within five minutes we have located Lou, on the fantail of the ship with a cigar and a double whiskey in his hand like he was channeling Sinatra or something. I half expect him to break out in song. He looks at us and turns toward the rail.

"Lou." Chris nods his greeting and hands him the potion.
"What the hell is his? Fruit smoothy?"
"Drink it." I chime in. "It's worth the effort."
He downs the glass and then takes a draw off the Cohiba... chasing the smoke with some whiskey. Chris shakes his head.
"This meeting is kind of important. She's gonna be pissed if you come in there fucked up."

With a sharp look you could shave with, or behead an ox, Lou says his piece without opening his mouth.
"Lou's not too fond of meetings, Chris." I try to explain. "Or being told what to do or when to do it."
"Hey... I know that. Just play along, guys. This is really important. I want you in on this. You guys are the only ones I can trust."

We both look at him, Lou with renewed interest.
"So what is this all about? Why the mystery? You can tell us right now."
Antonelli looks around behind us. There are two crewmen going about their duties not fifteen feet away.
"This is something that has to be done in private."

After he is done with his smoke and whiskey, we follow Chris into the bowels of the ship. This meeting is not being held in the same room as the Amazon briefing. No, this room is deep down in the ship.
The light down here is dim and the vibration of the engines is more pronounced. We haven't started to move yet but the crew is preparing to get underway.

We walk through a water-tight door and into a vault-like room. The door is closed behind us and a man whom we hadn't seen in the shadows steps into the light and places himself between us and the way out. Lou regards this as a challenge and starts to turn, but Chris moves us forward. Inside this compartment is a glassed in room within the compartment. Angelica and Mrs. Antonelli are inside.

"Gentlemen." Mrs. Antonelli stands and greets us from behind a carved mahogany table. We return the courtesy as we step into the room. Once inside the door is closed and Angelica sets the electronic lock from the keypad on this side of the entrance. With a push of a button the lights go up slightly and the glass, which moments ago was trasparant, is now completely frosted. No one can see out or in.

We take our seats and Chris' mother remains standing.
"Gentlemen, I appreciate you taking this time to meet with me." She looks us each in the eye as she continues, "What we speak about in the next ten minutes is a very private matter... Top Secret." Her gaze pauses on each of us for effect. "For the secrets I am about to divulge to you people have died for, including my husband."