Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fate is the Hunter

Andy has decided that the rest of his day will consist of totally undisturbed rest in his suite. He drank two thirds of that fifth of Johnny Walker Blue, and four or five other drinks to boot before we arrived at the Crazy Horse II. I don't suppose he can rightly remember the last time he got so shit-faced. But it is a good thing to base-line yourself every once in a while. It would probably do him right to smoke a fat one right now... but I think that might put a wrinkle in things.

Mike wants to go pick up the bikes after we eat. Lou is still fucked up from last night and has a phone number he is itching to call. It is from one of the girls in the "Emperor's Room".
"She was probably just talking about last night, Lou."
"No sir, she was invited to dinner and a show by yours truly. That and a little gambling... and a whole lot of fucking."
"You bet."
"You think I'm kidding?"
Lou reaches back behind him and picks up the courtesy phone.
"Can I dial a local number from this phone?"

I decide I won't focus on a possible crash and burn.
"So Mikey, where should we ride 'em?"

Mike looks up with a start... lost in thought about something. He chews a big piece of ham he had just put in his mouth. He holds a finger up to pause me.
"Gee, do you think we can ride 'em straight away?" He smiles at the thought of it.
"I don't see why not. It is like buying a new car, they give you temporary plates and probably register them and the whole bit."

He smiles and chews.... chews and smiles. "Do ya have an endorsement, Jake?"
"Endorsement? On my license?"
"Mikey, I don't have a license, remember? But when I did I had an endorsement. I have been riding bikes since I was a kid."

He smiles and nods and chews. His plate is a mixture of three eggs, hashbrowns, and minced sausage links that he cut up himself for the blend. It seems to have met his approval.

"By the way, Mike, we need to register them both to you, okay? I will pay you for the fees and all, but until I can get my identification straightened out it'll be in your name."
Mike stops chewing and swallows. He looks me straight in the eye and I don't blink. For a pleasant guy and all, he has something backing up that gaze of his that can take the measure of a man... or melt steel if it has to.
"Okay, Jake."

Lou actually contacts his stripper and make plans to wine and dine her. It is apparently her night off.
"You guys want to join us for dinner and the show?" He puts his hand over the receiver.
"Sure, I will." Mike is up for a little entertainment. "What show?"
"Cirque du Soleil. The show is sold out, but Holly can get tickets from her ex-husband."

I raise an eyebrow, "Oh great... she comes with an ex-husband?"
We can hear her say something to him.
"Are you going or not?"
I nod. A waitress hovers in and refills Mike's coffee. She tries mine, but I put a hand over it.
"Lou, ya better get a ticket for Andy."
Lou nods, "You better make it for five of us then."

He turns away from us and cups the phone in his hand, chuckles wickedly, then hangs up.
"All set for the second show. That should give the General time to rest."

Lou makes dinner plans, like a fucking party planner this morning. I truly don't know what has gotten into him. Those must have been some pretty nice lap dances in that private room. We let him take care of it. Mike and I are on a mission.

We make it back to Wynn's and are sent to the side office off the casino floor where we are met by a representitave from the Slot department and one from an agency that handles the paperwork for title and registration of these types of things. Mike does everything, I just sit and smile. In the end the woman from the agency holds out two keys, one in each hand.

"Should we go and get your bikes, boys?"
I think I hear Mike actually giggle. We both stand, Mike knocks his chair back and over.
"Excited, are we?" She hands us both a key.
Mike checks the little square of paper and sees that he has been handed the keys to the green one. He smiles and dangles it so I can see.
"Green one." He says with a smile.

In the garage, the two bikes are sitting there like it is Christmas or something. Mike walks up to his like he is approaching a deer in the woods... like it might bolt and run away when it notices him. He lays a hand on it, slowly, then runs his hand down the length of the seat.
"Oh my."
"Beautiful machine, isn't it?" I ask him.
"I... I can't believe it's mine."

The one I get is black as the night. It is a Heritage Classic... probably on that carousel for a few years because I don't even think they offer that model any more. I put a leg over her and settle in. Mike is still admiring his green beauty. He hands his disposable camera to the woman.

"Could ya take a picture of us on the bikes, Ma'am?"
She takes the camera and waits for Mike to get on his. Then, when we are both looking at her, she snaps a quick picture. Well, several at Mikey's request. He strikes a few poses. The last one is of the two of us in front of the bikes.

"Thank you, Jake. I would have never been able to get one of these if I hadn't won it. The wife... she won't say bupkiss about this bike now."
"My pleasure, Mikey."

Our little agency girl wishes us well and departs, leaving us in the garage. The casino had two helmets for us, and they fit... well Mike's fit. Mine is a little snug, but I can't complain.

We head out of the garage and down the strip. Mike tries to ride next to me and I have to ask him at the first stop sign if he had ever ridden before. He tells me that he had a few Japanese bikes and he knew his way around them. I am leary of letting someone share a lane with me but Mike seems responsible enough. We head down the boulevard like a couple of long time riders... stopping side by side. Mike hits his throttle every once in a while, so do I. You can't beat the sound of that big twin. This thing rides like a dream.

A while later we are going over Hoover Dam. It is hotter than hell and I signal to Mike that we should pull off at the parking lot. He follows me in and we park in a couple of spots.

"Oh ya, this is the ticket, eh Jake?"
"You got that right, Mikey. Let's get something cold to drink."
We settle on a couple of iced teas and walk out on the dam. I had heard of this dam my whole life but never stepped foot on it. From the road it didn't seem like the marvel it was, but I am sure at the bottom looking up it is really something.

We make the dam our turnaround point and head back to Casino Row. Traffic gets thick for a while there and we can't enjoy the ride. A mountain road would be the ticket... but that is not to be for this trip. It takes us a couple of hours before we make it back to the Bellagio and meet up with Lou.

We find the old boy in a suit and tie. He looks like James fucking Bond for all intents and purposes. When we walk into the room he says nothing but points to a two piece suit with shirt, tie, and shoes hanging over the doorway to the bathroom.
"Get dressed."
He has a suit picked out for me, probably called down to one of the shops on the promenade. It is blue-grey and pin striped. I take the suit coat off the hanger and try it on. It fits like it is made for me.
He looks at me. "Try on the pants."
I take them off the hanger and step into the bathroom to try them on. When I emerge I am in a two piece over my Mexico linens.
"Looks good." Lou reports. "There are shoes in the box there." He points to the closet where I spy a box with two black shoes.

I put the shoes on and give an approving look. He did well sizing me up. Everything is nearly perfect.
Mike looks at the two of us.
"I don't have anything like that with me, fellas."
Lou smiles, "You do now, Mike... check your room. If any of it doesn't fit, let me know. I bought it all downstairs."

Mike leaves us to seek out his new wardrobe. I walk in front of the mirror and do a half spin, it looks good.
"What did you do, look at my labels when I wasn't looking?"
"No, Jake, I just know a man's size when I look at 'em."
"That kind of freaks me out, Lou."
"What ever."

I doze off in the suite, not being able to cheat my way out of sleep at my age. When I come too it is by Lou's prompting that we were going to be late for dinner. He is dressed to the nines and is impatient to meet his stripper.

"Will you stop calling her that, her name is Holly, asshole."
"Holly Asshole? What kind of name is Asshole... German?"
He could either gut me right now, or wait until I was sleeping. With Lou any comment like that better end with an apology.
"Sorry, buddy, I am just kidding."
That admission did little to calm him.
"I ought to gut you right now... but I'll save that for a more momentus occassion."
"Why thank you, kind sir."
"Fuck you."

An hour later we are still standing in Andy and Mikey's suite waiting on Andy.
"Come on, princess, you probably look better than anyone expects you to."
Andy turns the fan off in the bathroom, pre-empting his exit, then opens the door and steps out. It is the first time we have seen him without one of his Airforce ballcaps. He looks quite dapper in the suit that Lou sized up for him.
"You did good, Marine."
"Who told you I was a Marine?"
"I can pick you guys out in a Kansas City thunderstorm."

We all end up in Le Cirque for dinner. Lou's date is something of a miracle among strippers. Not that Lou would select those qualities. Tits and ass and a williingness to do most things for a few bucks are his qualifications for a good date. Me, I see the intelligence of this woman within the first few minutes we are introduced.

Holly is working her way through college as a Psychology major, doing her time in a few brothels for perspective, a few strip clubs to broaden her experience. She sees what I see in Lou... a lot more than meets the eye. Don't get me wrong... he still means to fuck her, but it is what happens along that path that makes him special.

We have a nice dinner. It starts with a little yellow tail tuna and caviar, and some scallops in a fancy sauce. Mike can pick out every ingredient... I don't give a shit as long as it tastes good.

Lou' date orders the duck, Lou the only beef dish they have. I order the sea bass. Both Mike and Andy order the butter-poached lobster. It is a fine dinner with more than anyone could expect with a meal.

The conversation, all generated from Holly, is politically motivated... her concerns with local regulations concerning her livelihood. At first we all participate, not falling victim to the constant onslaught of cocktails delivered to the table. Before long, however, we are a little numb, with the exception of Holly, who is red hot and hot to trot over her conviction to her trade.

We end up walking thru the casino, making our way to the showroom. I collide with a large guy, apologizing for my mistake... waving a hand of submission for my intrusion of bumping into him. I don't see him turn and follow me. Nor do I see him joined by three others... all of them following us with a purpose.

We make our way to the showroom about thirty minutes prior to showtime. Lou tips the host and we are on our way up front. I pay no attention to the man I bumped into, or his three friends that we left milling about at the entrance.

Alcohol and good times do a lot to mask any memory of danger or bad times. I had nothing to go on to warn me of any peril I might be in when I excused myself to go to the men's room. By the time I make it to the can, I am surrounded by people who have a problem with me.
It is only when Lou comes into the men's room that I realize who these guys are. Lou had thought I had been gone a little longer than usual and came to see what was up. The man I had bumped into and his buddies had me pinned to the wall when Lou stepped into the men's room.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Lou has both hands at his side... at the ready come what may.
"Lou, my friend."
The voice comes from behind my position where I am being held to the tile wall next to the sinks.
"I thought I might never see you again. Fate is the hunter, my friend."
Lou looks at me for recognition... yes I know who it is as well.
Justin Zilgen steps out of the handicap stall and smiles.
"I never thought that I would see you here... that I would get what was mine. I honestly thought it was lost, that I would be killed for my loss of those stones."

That is the last thing I hear before I am pounded on the head and black out. Both Lou and I have walked into a trap that might be the end for he both of us.